We all know that economic development, dynamism and innovation contribute to the dynamics of spaces, and to an evolution in terms of their audiences.
And the city of Porto has had a surprising evolution in recent years, recovering its business and industrial dynamics.
A study developed by IDC for Startup Portugal places Porto as the hub of entrepreneurship in Portugal.
One in five startups is in Porto.
In another study developed by Delloite - "Urban Future with a Pourpose" - the city is referred to as a good example in stimulating innovation and creativity (along with other cities, the chapter dedicated to Digital Innovation Ecosystems, is one of the three referenced : Porto, Espoo (Finland) and New York (United States)).
An example of this is the creation of the "Porto Inovation Hub".
In addition to this perspective, the activities developed within the scope of the 12 trends presented in this study by Delloite, the city is considered as a highlight according to the authors of the publication.
All this development, together with the actions that have been developed in the city, such as the creation (still in development) of the cultural center in the old Porto Slaughterhouse, are milestones that transport the city to a level of reference at a world level, very much to in addition to tourism and the famous Port wine cellars.
The areas that the study considers are:
Green planning of public spaces;
Smart Health Communities;
Cities "15 minutes";
Mobility: smart, sustainable and "as-a-service";
Inclusive planning and public services;
Digital innovation ecosystems;
Circular economy and local production;
Smart and sustainable buildings and infrastructure;
Mass participation;
AI applied to city operations;
Cybersecurity and privacy awareness;
AI applied to surveillance and predictive policing.
And in these areas, Porto is also on the right path and is considered an example.
"...Porto also stands out with a number of startups per capita 20% higher than the European average."
"In 2020, thanks to the Porto Innovation Hub, Porto won the Smart City Innovator award at the Annual Investment Meeting conference in Dubai, in the Future Cities category."
As a country that has been finding its space and recognition with regard to startups and entrepreneurial environment, and where Porto has 1/5 of these and the North with 43% of startups and scaleups, as well as an honorable 12th place at European level, in addition to other mentions at this level, what is missing for greater investment at this level in the region and in the city?
And will the standard of living have the same evolution as this business dynamic?
And what implications can be drawn with regard to other investments, namely in the real estate area?
As we know, the increase in the attractiveness of technological or other companies requires an increase in the availability of spaces that suit the lifestyles and needs of these workers. Even if many work remotely, especially after the evolution that work has been having with the pandemic and its variants, there will always be an approximation and the creation of an attraction for new "inhabitants" and that propagates with recognition and notoriety that the regions are gaining.
Will we see a growth in co-living spaces in the city and in the logic of sharing, both in terms of housing and work?
That investors begin to distance themselves from a model that is solely local or dedicated to tourism (whether with hotels or similar structures) and begin to look for spaces suitable for these workers.
A change from the strictly sales model to the management of residential structures, with values that suit different audiences and segments.
Which in any case, given the evolution of family structures, in many cases will adapt to the rest of the population.
And it may be the way to rehabilitate many buildings, in different areas of the city, which are outside the so-called containment areas, and which could represent a reconversion of these spaces and arteries that extend far beyond the oldest part of the city. City.
A dynamic that could transform far beyond this technological and innovative dynamism that has deserved recognition and that must be continued.
Do you think this will be the possible transformation of the city and the region?
Leave your idea or opinion so that we can develop different perspectives and constructs for the housing and investment sector.